Browsing articles in "android"
Dec 20, 2012

Bearstouch SMS Scheduler referida no Sapo TeK como uma aplicação de grande utilidade para as próximas festividades

“Ainda relacionada com a missão natalícia: saudações por SMS, deixamos nota para o SMS Scheduler. Esta aplicação permite agendar o envio de mensagens. A véspera de Natal e ano novo são sempre dias atarefados e um contributo para descongestionar as horas anteriores à consoada pode ser tratar das mensagens de Boas Festas mais cedo. Pode preparar tudo hoje e mandar entregar só daqui a uns dias…

A aplicação foi desenvolvida pela Bearstouch Software e tem versões para Android e BlackBerry. Na plataforma Android está disponível de forma gratuita e paga, esta segunda disponível por 1,5 euros.

Para iOS não está disponível uma versão desta aplicação, mas pode encontrar outras que fazem as mesmas tarefas ou até opções que fazem o mesmo com outros serviços, como o email.”


Apr 24, 2012

Bearstouch Software as Software Partner have been developing Mobitto Android Mobile App

Last month our work were very tight,  in cooperation with the Mobitto team we have been developing and improving the Mobitto mobile application for Android operating system.   We are very pleased with the first results but there is a lot of work to do… .

The android application was built  following the features available of Mobitto IPhone version and now,on the android version, you already can locate on google maps the best offers in your area or explore the available offers in categories.

What is Mobitto?

Is a lifestyle plattform that discover to you the best store offers in your area.
With mobitto you can grab special concerts ticket discounts, special offers from restaurants , special discount from arts events and so on ….
To get more info about it , check out mobitto website.

The Android Application Beta version is already available on Google Play.

Android app on Google Play


Feb 1, 2012

Android Image Resizer – New Open Source Android Developer Tool

What is Android Image Resizer?

Android Image Resizer is a tool to automate android project image files resizing for all screen density supported by your app.

For example a image in res/drawable/xhdpi with 200x200px as a base file will be resized to :

  • res/drawable/hdpi with 150×150 px
  • res/drawable/mdpi with 100×100 px
  • res/drawable/ldpi with 75×75 px

Install Instructions

gem install android_img_resizer

Note: For Mac OSX you need to install rimagick first. Please follow the instructions described in this page rimagick

How To use it

In a Android Project directory (PATH that has a AndroidManifest.xml) please type:

To list all drawable resource imagefiles

android_img_resizer list [xhdpi|hdpi]

To Resize a resource image File

android_img_resizer img <image_file> [xhdpi|hdpi]

To Resize all resource image files

android_img_resizer all [xhdpi|hdpi]

Note: by default Android Image resizer will use xhdpi as base image file.

To use hdpi as base image file please type hdpi in the optional argument

Resize a image example:

cd /home/john/WorkSpace/smssheduler
android_img_resizer img ic_home_log.png
Resizing Image = ic_home_log.png with size = 64×64
Image = ic_home_log.png hdpi = 48×48
Image = ic_home_log.png mdpi = 32×32
Image = ic_home_log.png ldpi = 24×24

Resize all images example:

cd /home/john/WorkSpace/smssheduler
android_img_resizer all xhdpi
Resizing Image = ic_micro_site.png with size = 64×64
Image = ic_micro_site.png hdpi = 48×48
Image = ic_micro_site.png mdpi = 32×32
Image = ic_micro_site.png ldpi = 24×24
Resizing Image = ic_micro_logo.png with size = 64×64
Image = ic_micro_logo.png hdpi = 48×48
Image = ic_micro_logo.png mdpi = 32×32
Image = ic_micro_logo.png ldpi = 24×24

License and copyright

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the “Software”), to
deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the
rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or
sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

Contributions are welcome ! The project is mainly missing documentation and examples…

Bearstouch Team

Jan 31, 2012

Nova Aplicação – Acordo Ortográfico para Android

Acordo Ortográfico para Android é um guia de bolso indispensável para a transição para as novas regras de grafia e o novo vocabulário da língua portuguesa introduzidas com o acordo Ortográfico de 1990 e em vigor desde 2009.

O Acordo Ortográfico da Língua Portuguesa de 1990 é um tratado internacional firmado em 1990 com o objetivo de criar uma ortografia unificada para o português, a ser usada por todos os países de língua oficial portuguesa. Foi assinado por representantes oficiais de Angola, Brasil, Cabo Verde, Guiné-Bissau, Moçambique, Portugal e São Tomé e Príncipe em Lisboa, em 16 de dezembro de 1990.
Em Portugal este acordo está em vigor desde Maio de 2009 e tem um período de transição até 31 de Dezembro de 2014.

Com um interface de utilizador simples e intuitivo a aplicação permite-lhe :

  • Consulta rápida das novas regras da escrita introduzidas com o novo Acordo Ortográfico .
  • Consulta e pesquisa das alterações introduzidas no vocabulário.
  • Consulta da grafia antes do acordo e depois do acordo.
  • Listagem das regras aplicadas em cada vocábulo.

Nota: Todas as funcionalidades da aplicação não requerem ligação á Internet.

Android app on Google Play

Bearstouch Software Team

Dec 21, 2011

Bear SMS Scheduler new Update 1.3.1

Bearstouch Software is proud to announce a new update in our SMS Scheduler Android app. With this holiday season in mind bearstouch updated the two versions,lite and pro version, adding some performance enhancements and UI fixes that can boost the app performance in some older phones.
The updates are only available right now on Android Market and Slide Me Store and soon on Amazom App Store.

Bear SMS Scheduler on Android Market

Bear SMS Scheduler on SlimeMe Store

If you are a happy customer with Bear SMS Scheduler please review our app on Android Market.This is really important to us.

Best wishes and happy holiday season.
Bearstouch Software

Nov 25, 2011

Open Source Android Market Ruby API

What is Android Market Ruby API ??

Android Market API is an open source Android Market Ruby Library created by Bearstouch Software for parsing Android Market information.

Whit this API you can get all information supplied by Android Market and analise top selling apps ,free and paid, for a category or the overall ranking .

Source Code on GitHub

Install Instructions

Install it with RubyGems

gem install android_market_api

or add this to your Gemfile if you use Bundler:

gem "android_market_api"

Getting started

Parsing an application on Android Market

require 'rubygems'
require 'android_market_api''com.bearstouch.smsscheduler')

# Getting Application Name  

# Getting Application Current Version
puts app.current_version

# Getting Application Price
puts app.price            

# Getting Ratting Value
puts app.ratting_value

# Getting  Nr of Votes
puts app.ratting_count

# Getting  Last Update datetime
puts app.updated  

# Getting  SDK Required
puts app.sdk_required

# Getting  Download category
puts app.downloads

# Getting  Application Size
puts app.size

# Getting  Content Ratting
puts app.contentRating

# Getting  Application description
puts app.description

# Getting Developer Name      
puts app.developer_name

# Getting Icon URL    
puts app.icon

# Getting Screenshot URLs Array
puts app.screenshots

# Getting Last Updates Array
puts app.update_text

Full Documentation


Contributions are welcome ! The project is mainly missing documentation and examples…

Stay in touch with us for getting updated info about this API.


Bearstouch Software

Nov 23, 2011

Bear SMS Scheduler V1.2.0 – new features and fixes

The new update supply a UI upgrade and code fixes in lite and pro version .After a request made by user,only in pro version, now you can control the message rate submitted to mobile network over a delay configured in schedule creation.This new configuration parameter can be very useful for some users with free SMS bundles because some mobile operators can overtax you when  SMS sent rate  is very high.

Bear SMS Scheduler on SlimeMe Store

Bear SMS Scheduler on Android Market

If you need some extra  info please contact us.

Nov 5, 2011

Bear SMS Scheduler Pro and Lite were upgraded to V1.1.0


– Support for phone number selection when your phone contact has multiple phone numbers(Home number, Work number, Mobile number, …).
– Some fixes.

New versions the market:

Bear SMS Scheduler Pro 1.1.0
Bear SMS Scheduler Lite 1.1.0

Nov 1, 2011

Android Market Application Publish Checklist

After releasing our first app we created a checklist that could be useful for every developer that is preparing an application release on android market.

Follow the steps in the order described:

  1. Execute your units tests and verify if everything is ok
  2. Remove or Disable your application logging (In our applications we have a global instance of logging , this couldn’t be the best choice but for us works fine)
  3. Review your  AndroidManifest.xml
    • Remove android:debuggable in application element
    • Verify if android:versionCode is the correct (In every release this version code needs to be different for a successfully application upgrade )
    • Verify android:minSdkVersion and android:maxSdkVersion: this step is very important for defining device targets of your application
  4. Sign your APK  with your generated private key  ( I you need more info how to do this there is a link for android documentation )
  5. Prepare 2 or more screenshots with android market supported dimensions and specifications: 320 x 480, 480 x 800, 480 x 854, 1280 x 720, 1280 x 800 (dimensions in pixels) 24 bit PNG or JPEG (no transparency) 
  6. Prepare a great icon image,32 bit PNG or JPEG, in your preferred image editor with 512×512 px   32 bit PNG or JPEG
  7. Prepare a promotional graphic with 180 x 120 px 24 bit PNG or JPEG (no transparency)
  8. Prepare a feature graphic with 1024 x 500 px , 24 bit PNG or JPEG (no transparency)
  9. Prepare a description text for every native language supported by your app – max 500 characters
  10. Prepare a short promotion text for every native language suported by your app -max 80 characters
  11. After following the previous steps you are ready to login in Android Market with your developer account and publish the application

Note: If you think that we missed some important steps, please help us improving this list and post a comment describing it.

Bearstouch Team

Nov 1, 2011

Bear SMS Scheduler Lite and Pro upgraded to V1.0.2

In this patch we added support for new android devices.

Android devices with API Level > 9 are supported now.

New versions in the market:

Bear SMS Scheduler Pro 1.0.2
Bear SMS Scheduler Lite 1.0.2
